Friday, June 12, 2015

Training 2015/06/11 #023 -- kotegaeshi

Today, it was a bit of Aikido. We started the class talking about core and core strength, including how to move more quickly from position to position. For example, we did some v-ups and then rolled to our shoulders and spun to turn in a different direction,

We also worked on ushiro ukemi, back breakfalls. It had been years since I had really done this and I was surprised by how challenging it was. Some of my particular faults included rolling too far onto my back so that my legs didn't really counterbalance the fall and I couldn't generate sufficient hip extension to get back to my feet. A few cues:

  • Keep your feet out and snap hard on the extension to reverse your fall
  • Reach forward to roll back to your feet. Envision grabbing a ring that is just out of reach between your legs.

We then moved on to kotegaeshi. Specifically, we were working on it from a straight punch and from the back neck choke.

General principals: kotegaeshi is basically a wrist turning technique primarily executed with the opposite hand. For face-to-face applications, it will be the same side hand. Kotegaeshi can be executed aggressively on the wrist to basically force your partner straight down. Or, it can be executed with a much larger circle to provide more of a flowing motion. It depends on the application. When I was initially taught shihonage, I was told that the throw should be smooth like swinging a boken. Subsequently, when we were doing knife defense work, I was told that you just want to crank that wrist like a lever to get your opponent down as quickly and aggressively as possible. I suppose it depends whether or not you are dealing with an opponent or a partner! Note that kotegaeshi doesn't necessarily have to involve the wrist. Ultimately, it locks out the should and can be executed like an americana. The wrist lock provides the benefit of maxing out the fascia all along the kinetic chain.

Kotegaeshi from straight punch

The first thing we did was from a straight punch:
  1. Step off the line with a 90-degree pivot and grab your partner's hand. You basically want to grab the meat of their thumb with your first two fingertips in the centre of their palm and your thumb against their pinky knuckle.
  2. Tenkan back the other way and force them down.
  3. As the go down, put your other hand on the triceps of their trapped arm.
  4. Step around their head to get them on their tummy.
  5. Luck out the arm for the pin. The pin can look like ikkajo osae or it can be a straight arm lock. If their arm is off the ground, and above the plane of their shoulders, you have a lot of control.
Kotegaeshi from lapel grab

The mechanics here are little bit different. My go-to for a lapel grab is a cross-hand type of thing but in this case you use your same side hand.
  1. Your partner grabs your lapel. 
  2. Grab the back of their hand with your same side hand. You need to dig your fingers under their palm to get the detail. 
  3. Lean forward to destabilize the wrist. Your hand really backstops their wrist. You use your chest to roll it over by leaning down a bit.
  4. Break their balance. There are a few ways to do this. My initial thought was to pull them back but I think entering works better. Specifically, you want to enter a bit off centre (e.g., 30 degrees). If you turn too far you basically give up your back.
  5. Trap with your other hand. Their hand might be tangled in your gi, shirt, etc. That's okay. Back up the grab with your other hand.
  6. Throw. You have a few options here. The first is an aggressive wrist breaker by really wrenching their wrist and spirally your feet. They will go down directly. The other option is to think of a much larger spiral circle and step out on your hold side.
  7. Pin. Same thing. Use your other arm to control their tricep, step over the head, etc.
Kotegaeshi from reverse choke

So someone has grabbed you from behind and is choking you with both hands. Think of it as a reverse zombie.
  1. Choose one side, reach back with your hand, and grab their same side hand kotegaeshi-style.
  2. Step forward a bit with your opposite foot to make space.
  3. Duck your shoulder and turn. The motion is like a tenkan but you're swinging your but out a little bit more than usual.
  4. Turn the wrist. You really need control.
  5. Throw. You now have a few different options:
    1. Step out with the inside foot. It's the same deal: 30-degrees off centre.
    2. Drop to your inside knee. They will go down with you.
  6. Pin. Same deal on the pin: trap the triceps, step around, get the armbar.
We also discussed another option from this position. You set up everything as before but instead of turning out to get kotegaeshi, you basically push out your opponents hand and slam your back against their chest. One of their arms will likely be extended straight out. Keep their palm facing up and pull down on the wrist to get the straight arm lock.

Some videos:

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Training 2015/06/05 #022 -- body centre

Today was about the body centre. We recently had the remarkable Jacques Payet visiting the dojo so I think we have cycled back to more aikido, more focus on core stability, etc.

Today's lessons were really about bringing stability to your core and addressing stability in everything you do: how do you stand? how do you walk? how do you turn? how do you roll? When standing, stay over your hips. Keep your shoulders down. Bring basic yoga positions into your everyday life.

You can't stay over your hips when you roll but you can be aware of centre. Imagine a laser shooting straight out of our navel. Are you face on with your partner defensively? Are you giving up centre to create an angle? All of these concepts are important.

Ultimately, these are things that need to be practiced.

And, I got a black eye flow rolling. Apparently, a butterfly sweep + an acrobatic back step pass = a head bonk.

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