Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Weapons of Mass Destruction : Fun with google

I just received a note from a buddy...

1) Go to Google.com
2)type in (but don't hit return): "weapons of mass destruction" --
don't forget the quotes
3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, instead of the normal "Google search" button;
4) read what appears to be a normal error message carefully.

Pretty entertaining. The various redirects seem to point to Andrew Sullivan. Is he the prankster? ZDNet UK has the real story. If you're interested in how google's I'm feeling lucky works, check out
this page on their site.

I'm conduting an experiment with the google and inktomi crawlers by moving some content to my fron t page. Please excuse the repetition.


Some papers that I've written and you may find interesting:

:: The Profession of Knowledge Conversion: Continued relevance
for information professionals :: With all the buzz about Knowledge
Management, does the classically trained librarian still have any
relevance? By analyzing Nonaka and Takeuchi's framework for knowledge
conversion, it's apparent that information professionals are crucial
to the knowledge economy.

:: And He Spoke:: A cyberpunk story for librarians. What does the DMCA
have in common with Melvil Dewey?

::Narratives and Implications : An analysis of Dear 1991:: A critique of Peter
Dear's look at the development of science in Britain and on the continent
at the time of Galileo and Francis Bacon.

::The Import Threat : Detroit's Boundary Objects During the 1980s:: Learn how the big three failed to notice Star's boundary objects.

::Fitness Landscapes for Academic Libraries::

::The Market Dynamics of Speculation : Hayekian Market Signals and
the Rise of the Culture Industries
:: Take Hayek, Shannon, and
CNBC. Throw in some carnival (Bakhtin) and kipple (Dick). You get
a market bubble.

::Gadzuki:: A view of the Hirsch/Fish debate

::Learning from PTO : CIPO's solution to prior art:: A quick look at the problems facing the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.

::The Metamorphosis : Lenoir's Narrative on Biomedicine as an Information
:: Is biomedicince emerging as an info science? I don't
think so!

::Human Agency & the Price of Oil: Hayek as Iraqi Journalist:: What do Hayek and Gulf War 2 (3?) have in common? We're not sure yet.

::The Social Reality of Analyst Reports : Lessons from S/Z:: A cyberpunk
look at how analyst reports shape our reality.

::The Tragedy of Prior Art : Lessons from the USPTO:: A detailed look
at the threat of overwhelming prior art. Both calculus and an
annotated bibliography are included.

::Information Seeking Behavior of Sales Professionals : A research proposal::
Knowledge Management for sales? We don't even know how professional
sales reps look for information!

::Keep them on the Syllabus::

::A Time for Digital Libries:: So what exactly
are these things known as digital libraries anyway?

::Narratives of the Shelmikedmu : Lessons for ATM providers:: Reading the
text of the bank machine.

::Shelving the Code of Ethics : Bend it like Bentham::
Do codes of ethics function as documents?

An INSPEC Puzzle

I have a good puzzle for you. Can you find the article The everday world of work : Two approaches to the investigation of classification in context by Jacob (Journal of Documentation 57(1)) in the INSPEC database? I couldn't despite both Jake's and Ulrich's assurances that J DOC is completely indexed by INSPEC. Indeed, it appears that Jacob's article is the only one missing from INSPEC for J DOC 57(1). Is this some sort of conspiracy? Luckily, ERIC and ingenta contain the necessary information.

The CEO as Storyteller

I've recently become fascinated with the idea of using stories as a means of controlling knowledge within an organization. The researcher and writer David Snowden has called this new KM trend "third generation" or "JIT" KM. This month, the Harvard Business Review is featuring an article called Happy Tales: The CEO as Storyteller. The article contains an interview with Robert McKee --remember the movie Adaptation?-- and is excerpted at Working Knowledge.