Monday, April 10, 2006

"Done and Done"...

It's an expression that seems to be increasing in popularity. I first heard it used last summer by the contractor who was gutting our kitchen. I imagined that it was a favourite expression of some personality on Homes and Garden TV.

It turns out that the expression is much older. xxx, for example, traces its use to

I've come across an even older usage (courtesy of Project Gutenberg). In The School of Recreation (1696), Robert Howlett presents a very helpful book on various aspects of courtly behaviour called. In his final advice on cock-fighting, he uses our expression:

"And now I have one Word of Advice to him that is a Lover (or would be so) of this Royal-Sport: and then have done: Come not to the Pit without Money in your Breeches, and a Judgment of Matches; Done and Done is Cock-Pit Law, and if you venture beyond your Pocket, you must look well to it, or you may lose an Eye by the Battle." (pg. 149)

Of course, his other advice on cock-fighting seems a bit racy to modern readers:

"The Battle done, search and suck your Cocks wounds, and wash them well with hot Urine, then give him a Roll of your best Scouring, and stove him for that Night. If he be swelled, the next morning, suck and bathe his Wounds again, and pounce them with the Powder of the Herb Robert, through a fine Bag; give him an handful of Bread in warm Urine, and stove him, till swelling be down. If he be hurt in his Eye, [Pg 147]chew a little ground Ivy, and Spit the Juice in it; which is good for Films, Haws, Warts, &c. Or if he hath veined himself in his fight, by narrow striking, or other cross blows, when you have found the hurt, bind the soft Down of Hair to it, will cure it." (pg. 147)