Sunday, August 23, 2015

Training 2015/08/21 #030 -- more knee on belly and some takedowns

We reviewed a few other things today after some warm up rolling. I was almost choked out after giving up my back but managed to get that almost mythical foot lock after my partner put me in a body a triangle. So that was cool.

Koshi Nage -- this one felt better than it had. I was a bit confused about the arms but it’s the lagging arm that goes high. Just think: if your trying to put your opponent all the way across your back you have to use that arm and overstep. Keep your hips close!

Side control -- we talked a bit about the process of getting into side control. Basically, shoulder of justice and then pin the back of their gi and the material of their pants at the hip. Then slide your knee across.

We also reviewed the side control attacks and they all went well.

Standing self defenses

Headlock (bent over) hip and knee hold, scoot under to arm-lock finish -- so you're in the stand bully headlock. Reach around and control their far hip by cupping their hip bone. Block the outside of their other knee with your other hand. Step around toward the front so you're almost facing them and then drop onto your butt. Your partner will fall back over your leg and you will roll on top but you are probably still in a headlock. Put your forearm across your partner's throat and make a frame. Saw back and forth to pry open the headlock. If they are really strong, move so their elbow is up above their head and you will get control of the arm. There are a few options here but we practiced getting the upright armlock. We have started using gokyo/goose-neck to get the submission.


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