Monday, April 06, 2015

Marketing Intelligence Body of Knowledge

I was recently reviewing some BOK stuff and I came across this core curriculum. Honestly, I think that all sorts of researchers should really go through this stuff.

There's also the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. It offers the Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP) designation, along with some core curriculum competency requirements:

  1. Professional practice
    1. Rules of conduct and good practice
      1. General rules for the conduct of research
        1. integrity and due care
        2. competence
        3. objectivity
        4. quality control
        5. projectability of research results
        6. documentation of work performed
        7. access to documentation
        8. recruitment
        9. use of marketing research information
        10. using the services of others
        11. professional development
      2. Responsibility of members to the public
        1. treatment of respondents
        2. respondents rights
        3. respondent confidentiality and privacy
        4. use of monitoring tools
        5. research with minors
        6. selling and fundraising under the guide of marketing research
      3. Responsibility of clients to practitioners
        1. competitive bids
        2. ownership of research techniques
        3. dissemination of research results
        4. liability
        5. fees and remuneration
      4. Responsibility of practitioners to clients
        1. privacy and confidentiality
        2. multi-client projects
        3. verification of interviews
        4. disclosure of research methodology
        5. security of information
        6. fees and remuneration
        7. use of clients name
    2. Marketing research design
      1. The need for marketing research
        1. value of marketing research
        2. reducing uncertainty
        3. problem solving
        4. monitoring trends and performance
        5. the cost vs. value of marketing research
      2. Defining the research objectives
      3. Research designs
        1. exploratory, conclusive, and tracking research
        2. cross-sectional and longitudinal design
        3. secondary and primary research
        4. quantitative and qualitative research
        5. tools for data collection
          1. surveys (mail, telephone, in-person, omnibus)
          2. research panels
          3. in-depth interviews
          4. focus groups
          5. experimental designs
          6. on-line vs other data collection methods
      4. Designing a research project
        1. criteria for selecting a research design
          1. determining the specific information needs
          2. identifying the sources of the required information
        2. appropriate use of data collection tools
        3. elements of a research plan/proposal
          1. background
          2. the research problem
          3. objectives of the research
          4. need for external resources
          5. research techniques used
          6. scope of the study
          7. deliverables
          8. limitations
          9. timeline
          10. costs
    3. Statistical methods for marketing research
      1. Sampling methods
        1. The need for sampling
        2. Defining the study population
          1. element
          2. population
          3. sampling unit
          4. sampling frame
          5. study population
        3. Sampling methodologies
          1. random
          2. stratified random
          3. cluster
          4. systematic
          5. random digit
          6. quota
          7. nonprobability
          8. choosing a sampling method
        4. Determine the size of the sample
          1. calculating sample statistics
            1. margin of error
            2. level of confidence
            3. response rate
            4. completion rate
            5. sample distribution
          2. effect of smaple size on precision
      2. Analyzing research data
        1. assessing the quality of the sample for making inferences back to a universe
          1. expected or know biases
          2. weighting to correct for possible biases
        2. characteristics of data
          1. types of data
            1. nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
            2. categorical vs. continuous
          2. data considerations for analytical procedures
        3. tabulation of research data
          1. specifying a set of tables for preliminary analysis
          2. tables for specific hypotheses
        4. measures of central tendency and dispersion
          1. mean
          2. median
          3. standard deviation
          4. standard error
          5. skewness
        5. significance testing and strength of relationships
          1. confidence intervals boundaries for categorical and continuous
          2. significance difference testing for categorical and continuous
          3. t-tests
          4. chi square
          5. correlation
        6. multivariate analysis
          1. multi-dimensional scaling
          2. correspondence analysis
          3. regression
          4. analysis of variance
          5. discriminant analysis
          6. factor analysis
          7. cluster analysis
          8. classification tree analysis
          9. conjoint and discrete choice analysis
          10. structural equation modelling
    4. Questionnaire design
      1. Questionnaire types
        1. range of types
        2. disadvantages and advantages
      2. questionnaire components
        1. questionnaire sections
        2. typical content of each section
      3. question comprehension
        1. survey atmosphere
        2. respondent understanding
        3. respondent agendas
      4. question sequencing
        1. logical flow
        2. psychological flow
        3. question order effects
      5. types of questions
        1. behavioral measures
        2. attitudinal measures
        3. open ended
        4. hybrid
        5. closed ended
          1. dichotomous
          2. multiple choice (multichotomous)
            1. types
            2. when to use prompted/unpromted
            3. when to rotate or not (primacy and recency)
          3. rating scales
            1. ranking
            2. likert scale
            3. semantic-differential
            4. scale design
        6. wording
          1. effective wording of questions
            1. clarity
            2. use of specialized terms
            3. neutral questions
            4. behaviour questions
            5. personal or private questions
            6. questions involving pride
            7. question length
          2. wording to avoid
        7. questionnaire format
          1. effective questionnaire format
            1. self-administered
            2. interviewer-administered
            3. show cards
          2. formatting to avoid
        8. pre-testing
    5. Qualitative marketing research
      1. qualitative research
        1. use of qualitative research
        2. limitations
      2. types of qualitative research
        1. focus groups
        2. diads/triads
        3. mini-groups
        4. mega groups
        5. in-depth interviews
        6. observations
        7. impact of technology
          1. use of interactive devices
          2. telephone groups
          3. internet focus groups
          4. long distance observation
      3. designing a focus group study
        1. group composition
        2. geographic location
        3. group size
        4. number of groups
        5. recruitment
        6. screener questions
          1. design
          2. purpose
        7. selection of focus group types
        8. costing
        9. facilities (features of a good facility)
        10. developing the discussion guide
          1. purpose
          2. content
        11. moderators
          1. role of the moderator
          2. qualities of a good moderator
          3. special considerations
            1. gender
            2. ethnic background
            3. age
            4. special knowledge
          4. moderating skills and techniques
            1. projective techniques
            2. use of stimuli
            3. group dynamics vs. group interviewing
        12. role of observers
      4. communicating the findings of focus groups
        1. reporting techniques
        2. cautions to readers
        3. items that should not be included
    6. Market intelligence and competitive intelligence
      1. Defining market intelligence
        1. role and purpose of MI in business
        2. components of MI
        3. strategic and comp reasons for using MI
        4. MI's fit with marketing research
        5. how to ensure effective MI
        6. how MI is defined across business organizations
        7. MI champion development, role, and challenges
      2. MI management
        1. creating a MI culture
        2. developing MI teams
          1. roles to be included
          2. skills and requirements
        3. benefits of MI in organizations
        4. users of MI and their individual needs
        5. effective decision-making with MI
          1. strategic decision making
          2. tactical decision making
          3. operational decision making
        6. analyzing business environment situations and matching with intelligence needs
      3. market intelligence process
        1. assessing information needs
        2. issues management and prioritization
        3. analyzing risk
        4. developing valid assumptions
        5. identifying constraints and how to handle them
      4. market intelligence logistics
        1. what MI looks like on the user's desk
        2. how to communicate MI
        3. sources of MI information
        4. technical considerations
        5. systems and software
        6. tools used in MI -- front end and back end
        7. data warehousing
        8. data mining, filtering, and funneling
      5. environmental scanning
        1. macro environmental analysis
        2. micro environmental analysis
        3. market share
        4. market size assessment
        5. market saturation
        6. situation and SWOT analysis
      6. internal information used in MI
        1. customer information
          1. CRM information
          2. social media info
          3. loyalty and winback info
          4. customer segmentation and targeting
      7. external info used in MI
        1. competitive intelligence
        2. competitive technical intelligence
        3. patents
      8. MI metrics and key performance indicators
        1. how to establish key metrics
        2. setting and monitoring KPIs
      9. information considerations
        1. how to ensure urgency, accuracy, relevance, currency, accessiblity, sensitivity
        2. cost considerations
      10. MI tools and techniques
        1. trend analysis
        2. predictive modeling
        3. customer segmentation and valuation
        4. dashboards
        5. mapping and GIS
        6. drill down techniques
      11. MI reporting and monitoring
      12. understanding competitive intelligence
        1. competitive intelligence
          1. active versus defensive CI
          2. commonalities and diffs between CI and market research
          3. popular applications -- how orgs use CI
          4. traditional vs. non-traditional competitors
        2. ethics
          1. understanding diffs between ethical and non-ethical
          2. guidelines for employees
          3. guidelines for suppliers
        3. sources
          1. primary
          2. secondary
          3. social media
          4. tips for growing your network of sources
        4. eliciting information
          1. how to reach credible respondents
          2. tips for listening, questioning and observing
        5. data analytical tools
          1. blind spot analysis
          2. data cell screening
          3. predicting techniques
          4. ration analysis
          5. win loss analysis
        6. reporting CI
          1. accuracy, misinformation, and verification
          2. templates: in-depth, monthly monitoring, quick turn
          3. CI newsletter
          4. tips for producing effective reports
        7. defensive CI (preventing leasks)
          1. types of leaks -- accidental, unintentional, intentional, malicious
          2. guidelines for elimination
        8. setting up the CI program
          1. tools -- brief, instructions, plan, respondent DB
          2. how to:
            1. conduct a CI needs assessment
            2. motivate collection and reporting of CI
            3. setup a database
            4. determine if you need software
            5. measure effectiveness
        9. understanding competitor benchmarking
          1. applications and benefits
          2. sample sizes
          3. survey format
          4. report formats
        10. mystery shopping
          1. applications and benefits
          2. types -- retail, high end customer, B2B, leakage
          3. channels -- call centre, onsite, e-support
          4. tips on recruiting, briefing, and debriefing
          5. report formats
        11. special applications
          1. public sector CI
          2. using CI for new markets
          3. war gaming
    7. Marketing management
      1. customer behavior
        1. decision making by end consumers
        2. decision making by business orgs
        3. source of influence on decision making
      2. marketing research
        1. using marketing research
        2. developing customer insight from data
      3. customer focused marketing
        1. market segmentation
        2. target marketing
        3. product positioning
      4. the marketing mix
        1. the product
          1. understanding the product
          2. branding
          3. new product development
          4. product mix decision
        2. marketing communications
          1. models of communication
          2. marketing communications methods
          3. advertising planning
        3. price
          1. variables used in pricing decisions
          2. pricing strategies
        4. channels of distribution
          1. variables in channel decisions
          2. channel strategies
        5. marketing strategy
          1. elements of strategy formation
          2. deliberate vs. emergent strategies
          3. evaluating core competencies


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