Saturday, January 17, 2015

Training 2014/01/16 #004

Defense from lapel grab (etc.), same side

Position: standing; defense; face-to-opponent; [] grab

We reviewed the basic wrist grab to take down that we had done before. We then used that technique as a basis for exploring other options. For example, what do you do if someone grabs your lapel? The same thing. What about a one handed throat grab? The same thing. The approach is always:

  • Confirm the grip
  • Break balance
  • Position
  • Control
There are, however, a few caveats. Try to attack the forward foot with a mirrored stance (or gyaku hanmi). For example, if they grab your neck with their left foot forward, it's best to have your right foot forward (especially if you can get kazushi with the stance change). That said, ai hanmi will also work. The other issue is what to do with a two handed grab (to the throat, etc.). Attack one side, ideally the one with the leading foot.

The only other tip is to move decisively. You need to get some energy from your hips in this thing... although I can't think of any technique that *doesn't* require energy from the hips.

Rolling -- was a little bit unpleasant. I was up against people several belts my senior. I did, however, learn a few things. It's not over when you're triangled. Hide that arm, stack them and start working the pass. I spent close to a minute about 2 seconds from tapping out but was able to get through. I do, however, have a few things to work on. I'm complete balls at passing a good butterfly guard. I'll have to review technique. I also need better a better strategy for not getting toreadored from the initial take down. It's hard to work your closed guard when you can't actually get someone into that guard! Knee-on-belly defense is getting better but it still sucks. Oh well, stop learning, stop living.

UPDATE -- perhaps the luta livre calf slicer against butterfly could be an interesting approach. And I need to be aggressive on the take downs. It's perhaps worth a virtual training session looking at Roy Harris's "pull back" techniques.

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